Never mind, onwards & upwards and if by any chance it is fit to race at Kelso tomorrow wheels will roll just after 7.30am and Seeking Power (who loves mud) will head down the road with his merry band of supporters. The race is at 12.15 and 13 run, Lucy rides and the going will be more suitable for ducks.
It's only 11 days since his seasonal debut but we have to give this horse three runs to attain a handicap mark and the quicker we do that the better. The nature of the programme book means that if you want to come into steeplechasing directly from point-to-pointing you effectively have to run three times over hurdles on the way; hurdling is a waste of time for this horse but we need to do it and he will come on a bundle fitness-wise each time but he won't be troubling the judge unless it turns out he's the only one with webbed feet!
Here he is with the jockey's uncle on board after his last piece of work on Tuesday - was it really sunny that day, seems an age ago. And if anyone says he looks a bit tubby I shall assume they are talking about the horse..
And here is Fearless Footsteps on the same morning with Shellie Wilson on top, hopefully she will make her racecourse debut before
Sorry but I have to look at these pics of sunny days to remind myself that it doesn't always rain
Most exciting though is the news that the brand spanking new Kinneston website will be going live on Monday 30th November, designed by Scotland's best digital media agency it will have several new features..... just hope we can manage to keep it up to date.
Drip, drip.....
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