Friday, 10 December 2010

Great Excitement

Great excitement today, the top of the schooling hurdles emerged from the snow and I can just about see where the all weather gallop used to be (well, still is I hope), no sign of the snowplough yet, hopefully not far away, must be waiting till the snow's gone.
Conditions for exercising today much the worse we have had to deal with so far, about a foot of slush on top of deep ground, sheets of ice on the roads to the cantering fields, it's melting very fast which is good news, the Ayr horses all had an easy day walking after their exertions yesterday, the others trotted and had a light canter for about three furlongs.
Will hope to do a bit more with them again tomorrow, heartened to see Lucinda's Safari Adventures run a great race at Cheltenham this afternoon, I assume he will have had very similar exercise to ours over the last two weeks, after work tomorrow I will jump on a train to St James's Park to watch Newcastle take on Liverpool, should be very entertaining to watch the fans give Ashley a piece of their minds after his extraordinary behaviour this week, then it will be back late tomorrow night for an early start studying weather forecasts on Sunday, decisions will need to be made......

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